Religious (Women)



Holy Spirit Sisters, Society of Apostolic Life is a missionary community founded by late Rev. Fr. Bernhard Bendel in Germany in the year 1950 (after the World War II). ‘Opus Spiritus Sancti’, the work of the Holy Spirit is a Church in miniature comprising of five different communities: Holy Spirit Sisters, Holy Spirit Fathers, Secular Institute of Diocesan Priests, Secular Institute of Women and Community of Apostolic Christians founded by the same founder.

        With the special request of late Bishop Zacharias Mar Athanasios the Holy Spirit Sisters started the first house in 1969 at Tiruvalla, under the Patronage of the Archdiocese of Tiruvalla.

        In 2010, the Society was raised to Pontifical status. Today besides India, our Society is spread in different parts of the world; Germany, America, Africa and Philippines. In India the community is having two Regions: Atmadhara Region in Kerala and Jeevadhara Region in Andhra Pradesh.

        Atmadhara Region in Kerala is serving 8 Eparchies of Malankara Catholic church and 13 dioceses in the different parts of the world.

Charism: Praying for a New Pentecost and working for the renewal of the Church and the world.

Activities: Giving pastoral assistance in different mission stations, taking care of the poor children and tribal (hostels), elderly, mentally challenged, destitute and orphans; and extending our service in the field of education, medical and social service.

Mother House                               :  Heilig Geist Schwestern

                                                          Pfarrer BendelWeg 2

                                                          61462 Koenigstein

                                                          Mammolshain, Germany

                                                          Tel: 0049 6173 921750, 0049 956050

                                                          Fax: 0049 6173 956070

        E-mail                                       :

        International Leader               :  Rev. Sr. Mercy Cheruvilparampil

        Asst. International Leader         : Rev. Sr. Eugenia Thomas OSS

        International Leadership members   : Rev. Sr. Elizabeth Masawi OSS

                                                                  : Rev. Sr. Somy ThekkezhumkunnilOSS

                                                                  : Rev. Sr. Crispina S. Lyimo OSS

        Regional House                                : Holy Spirit Sisters, Tholassery,

                                                                    Tiruvalla 689 101

                                                                    Tel: 0469, 2730823, 2631304,


        Regional Leader                   :   Rev. Sr. Mary Sosamma Chundevalel

        Asst. Regional Leader           :   Rev. Sr. Kochuthresia Puliyappillil OSS

        Additional Members              :   Rev. Sr. Elsy Inchikalayil OSS

                                                      :   Rev. Sr. Lizmaria Uppumackal OSS

                                                             :   Rev. Sr. Merline Vadakkekuttu OSS


1.    Nalanchira

        Holy Spirit Sisters, Mar Gregorios Snehaveedu,

        Benedict Nagar, Nalanchira 15, Thiruvananthapuram


        01. Rev. Sr. Anitta OSS (Sister - in-charge)

        02. Rev. Sr. Sandra OSS

        03. Rev. Sr. Angela OSS

Activities: Taking care of the mentally and physically challenged men.